Douglas Christie

Douglas E. Christie is Professor of Theological Studies at Loyola Marymount University (LMU), where he teaches Christian Spirituality. He holds a Ph.D. from the Graduate Theological Union and an M.A. from Oxford University. His research focuses on contemplative traditions of ancient Christian monasticism, on spirituality and the natural world, and on practices of emptiness. He is the author of The Word in The Desert: Scripture and the Quest for Holiness in Early Christian Monasticism (Oxford), The Blue Sapphire of the Mind: Note for a Contemplative Ecology (Oxford), and is founding editor of Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality. He co-directed LMU’s new study abroad program, Casa de la Mateada, in Córdoba, Argentina (2013-15). Rooted in the Jesuit vision of “education for solidarity,” the program invites students to enter into the life of the local community and give themselves over to the simple contemplative practice of accompaniment with those on the margins.